Miss French City
Pageant Series
The Miss French City Pageant Series consists of five pageants held annually to represent seasons or holidays throughout the year. These are fun charity and community pageants open to anyone of any age from anywhere in the USA!
The early-bird entry fee is $40 per person or $30 per person for two or more contestants living in the same household who register more than 2 weeks before the pageant. For those signing up less than 2 weeks before the pageant, the entry fee is $50 per person and $40 per person for two or more contestants living in the same household.
Each pageant has two modeling categories in which contestants must model: Theme Wear and Required Wear.
A Theme Wear category is based on a season/holiday for the pageant a contestant is competing in. The Required Wear categories are Party Wear, Casual Wear, or Formal Wear.
We will combine the Required Wear highest score of each contestant with their Theme Wear score to determine the winner in each age division.
A French City Community Queen or King will be crowned at each pageant as each pageant will have a charity aspect to help people or organizations in our community.
The People's Choice Award is a monetary vote by the fans/audience who will place money in their favorite contestant bag set up at the pageant by our registration table. The contestant with the most money will win the People's Choice Award.
The Theme Wear Outfit Award will go to the contestant in each age division with the highest score for his/her theme outfit.
The Theme Wear Model award will go to the contestant in each age division with the highest score for his/her modeling of his/her Theme Wear.
The highest scorer from the Baby to Preteen age groups combined will win the Junior Supreme Title and the highest scorer from the Junior Teen through Classy age groups combined will win the Senior Supreme Title.
Boys are permitted to compete in the Baby through Preteen age groups. Boys and girls will compete together in their perspective age divisions.
Contestants may compete in any or all of the seasonal pageants by submitting an entry form and paying their entry fee. Payment is preferred when completing the entry form or within 5 days of completing the entry form. *Payments can be made via PayPal to pmiller45658@yahoo.com or through Cash App at $Patriot45658.
Join us today for this new and fun family series of events. Admission to each pageant for all family members and guests is only $5 per person for ages 5 and up.
Pageant Location for all pageants:
Southwestern Elementary School
4834 SR 325 S, Patriot, OH 45658
Registration is 9:30am - 10:00am. Pageants start at 10:30am
(*No refunds will be issued but may be transferred to a pageant for another date.)
To learn more about each pageant and to sign up, click on the pageant below.
2025 Pageant Series Dates
French City Sweetheart, Feb. 22
Charity: God's Hands at Work
Spring Pageant Charity: Square One
We will have an Easter Egg Hunt at 9:00am. Registration will be at 10:00am. Pageant Starts at 11:00am
Charity, TBA
Charity, TBA
Charity: God's Hands at Work
Junior Teen, 13 - 15
Teen, 16 - 19
Miss, 20 - 29
Elegant, 30 - 49
Classy, 50+
Toddler, 3 & 4
Little, 5 &6
Junior, 7 - 9
Preteen, 10 - 12
Choose your division based on your age on the day of the pageant you are entering.
Welcome to Miss French City!