Miss French City

Pageant Series


To sign up for this pageant complete and submit the entry form below. After you've submitted it, pay your entry fee via PayPal to pmiller45658@yahoo.com. Please make sure to put the contestant's name and which pageant the payment is for in the notes section. If you do not have PayPal, you may also use Cash App $Patriot45658. A payment must be received for you to be considered an official contestant.

The early-bird entry fee is $40 per person or $30 per person for two or more contestants living in the same household who register more than 2 weeks before the pageant or $50 per person and $40 per person for two or more contestants living in the same household who register less than 2 weeks before the pageant.

Pageant Location:

Southwestern Elementary

4834 SR 325 S, Patriot, OH 45658


Registration is 10:00am - 10:30am.

Pageant starts at 11:00am

(*No refunds will be issued but may be transferred to a pageant for another date.)


OCTOBER 4, 2025

Autumn Pageant Charity: TBA

Contestants should bring items to the pageant where items will be collected outside the front of the school.  Contestants should turn in the number of items collected at registration the day of the pageant. A suggestive list of donation items is coming soon.


Contestants will model two different times.  The first outfit he/she models should be fall colors of his/her choice.

For the second modeling outfit, contestants will wear an outfit that fits one of these categories: party wear, casual wear or formal wear.

There are no questions or interviews for our pageants.